United Methodist Church
Who We Are
As United Methodists, we believe Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord. We embrace the historic Christian faith that is grounded in the witness of the apostles.
We believe the Holy Bible to be God’s Word and the authority for redemption and salvation and for all other matters of faith and practice.
We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, his virgin birth, his sinless life, his work of atonement upon the cross, his bodily resurrection, his ascension to the right hand of God the Father and in his powerful and glorious return.
We believe that all persons are in need of God’s saving grace through the justification by faith. This experience comes when one repents from his or her sin, embraces Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross, and accepts the forgiving love of God. The individual becomes a new person in Christ.
We believe Jesus is alive today through the work and power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Holy Spirit imparts the gifts necessary for every believer to be an active, effective participant in God’s Church. Every Christian is called to be in ministry.
We believe in the obedience to God’s principles for living. This includes the tithing of our income, reflecting an authentic Christian witness in all of society, faithful attendance to worship and participation in the growth opportunities afforded by the church.
The mission of Arcadia United Methodist Church is to grow as followers of Jesus, discovering and responding to the needs of our community.
Arcadia United Methodist Church was organized in 1919 in a small abandoned Episcopal church building located at the corner of Wallace Park.